This expansion has been my favorite so far since my beginnings during the Burning Crusade! The landscapes are by far the most beautiful I've seen! I like how smoothly the story and questing unfolds, bringing me logically from one place to the next. Having decided to level Anou first, I don't feel the usual pressure of a level grind (because DPS are a dime a dozen for end content), so I randomly go off exploring, I click on anything that can be clicked, hunt all the silver portraits that appear on my mini map. I really like the Bonus Objectives, giving me a break from the norm if and when I so choose. At first the Garrison bothered me, because they plunked it down right at the beginning when I wasn't remotely bored yet, and I felt there was too much to do there, preventing me from moving forward. But now, it's there, I can return whenever I want (smart move to add a Garrison hearthstone), but I'm not obliged to do anything there anymore. It
is nice to have somewhere where I get rested XP, yet can fish, cook, mosey around, and be
alone. Good work, Blizz! <3
Here are some breath-taking vistas from the new zones...
Just outside my Garrison |