I took it upon myself one day, for several reasons which for now will remain untold, to level an Alliance mage. I brought a Worgen to level 23 then deleted her because I simply could not put up with the way they hobble around. A few weeks later, I tried again with a Human, and for now it's working.
A quest was given to my new 'toon to go
kill James Clark, who was wanted for robbery, burglary, arson and murder. That's a hefty list of crimes. The guy was living peacefully in a quiet logging village, where no one was the wiser. Naturally, my new hero tracked him down and took him down like a heartless (yet stylish) bounty hunter.
Buh-bye James Clark |
But... Do you see anything wrong with this picture? Little Kevin randomly came into the room, walked all the way around, stood at the edge of the carpet while I slaughtered James Clark, and walked casually out again. Oh, and the romantic Valentine's day wreath totally completes the picture.
Speaking of which, here's another one of those "quirk" photos I like to take, note the heart-shaped candle on the barrel...
Home Sweet Home |